We are proud to announce that Long Electric is the recipient of two NorCal NECA Project Excellence Awards for our work completed in 2020. We were recognized for our work on the GNE Exterior Fuel Cell project as well as the River Charter School project in Napa.
GNE Exterior Fuel Cell

Long Electric performed the electrical work for the installation of an exterior 4.0 MegaWatt Fuel Cell project at the Genentech Vacaville Campus. This project included the installation of two medium voltage transformers (3000 kVA & 2500 kVA), three pad-mounted switchboards (3000 amp, 3000 amp, and 1200 amp), 15 lineups of energy saver panels and 90 associated fuel cell modules, and all associated conduit conductors and terminations. The project was completed within an eight-week schedule, requiring night and weekend work, and was still performed safely and successfully with no recordable lost-time safety incidents.
River Chart School

Long Electric performed the electrical work for the full modernization of an existing elementary school campus. The scope of work included installation of new site-wide electrical distribution, lighting, re-alarm, voice-data, audiovisual, and public address systems. The project also included modernization of three existing buildings, and the addition of three new ground up buildings (Gymnasium, Administration and Multipurpose room), as well as three new classroom buildings. The project was completed within the project schedule and with no recordable lost time or safety incidents.
About the Northern California Chapter NECA Project Excellence Awards
The Northern California Chapter, NECA represents the interests of union electrical contractors in nine Northern California counties, including Alameda, Calaveras, Mariposa, Merced, Napa, San Joaquin, Solano, Stanislaus and Tuolumne Counties. NorCal NECA is a vital resource that brings programs and services to its members, which allows them to stay competitive and informed.
NorCal NECA’s Project Excellence Awards are designed to recognize excellence in electrical/technology installations and the Northern California electrical contractors responsible for these outstanding achievements. The awards have been embraced by projects owners, general contractors, architects, engineers, NECA electrical contractors, and other project team members who have had the honor of receiving an award.